WOOOOOOOOOOOO okay lets get this shit done!
1. Irene
so first of all who?
She would transform into:
Why? cause first of all Lavender is a nobody, and dirty little tramp who wanted in Ron's pants. like not hanks bitch, get out. And secondly, she got mauled by Fenrir Greyback, which we will get to later.
She would take with her:
Skitty! why? for the strict reason of Charm. i remember specifically charm and skitty and how i hated that move and it would seduce all my male pokemon, it was fuckin rude. And while i don't necessarily think Irene did a good job of seducing, i was told she was a major leak to the Casey blindside therefore she was potentially trying to charm casey alice sheila.
2. Daryl
would transform into Professor Quirrel
Why? Because it's obvious that Quirrel was very manipulated by Voldemort and poor Quirrell fell early (first movie/book!) and Daryl fell early in the merge
He would be taking with him:
Sandslash! why? Well Sandslash looks menaciing with his pointy body and his dig attacks or whatnot, and CAN be fierce, but honestly? i never Sandslash a real threat in any fight i ever had with him. No offence to Daryl, cause he DID win, but in this game he seemed to be the follower of Brenda and was taken out early.
3. Jesse
would turn into:
Dobby! why? because Jesse was super cute, and super loyal and got a lot of things blamed for him and too the hit of a lotttt of stuff
Who would he take with him?
Togepi! Becuase he was also cute and loya, but didnt do much (comparing jesse didnt do much cause he was taken out pre-merge
4. Glen
would transform into:
Cedric! Because he was super strong in challenges and was killed early and tragically (tragically cause i told Aidan to use his idol but he didnt, selfish! jk <3)
he would take with him:
Alakazam! Because i know Glen was a boss at challenges, specifically the mental puzzles, he's a boss at puzzles
5. Peeta
would turn into:
Ablus! Because i would have considered Peeta the smartest one in the entire cast, and Peeta, just like Albus died in EXTREMELY not fun or fair ways
He would take with him:
Pikachu! Extremeley loyal smart and strong... duh!
6. Brenda
would turn into:
Fenrir Greyback! Extremely vicious, probably one of the most vicious in the game. And i do believe Brenda lead the irene death, which Fenrir mauled Lavender brown sooo!!
She would take:
Koffing! Poisonous with her words at times, and super deadly!
7. Casey
lol again who :X
But she would turn into:
Super strong in challenges, butttt kinda irrelevant, sorry haha.
She would take:
Onix! Honestly just strictly based on strength cause what else did casey really do other than excell at challenges?
8. Scott
would turn into:
Hermione! Super cute, super adorable, super smart and super social! Granted young hermione was kinda socially awkward, she still managed to get straight A's and be an amazing friend to everyone <3
She would take:
Amazingly adorable, but could certainly do some damage that you might not expect
9. Aidan
would def turn into:
Luna! DEF an odd one LOL but was severly misunderstood and very underestimated
He would take:
Haunter! Sneaky and deadly. Cause i swear any moved i used on a haunter failed. I hated it lolz. I think Aidan was really good at avoiding a lot of things that he should not have avoided xD
10. Alice easily would transform into:
Bellatrix! Easily one of the strongest challengers in this game. Prob could have won every immunity if Casey and Sheila were not also challenge beasts. And she was definitely evil when she wanted and ready to kill when needed
She would have taken:
Blastoise! he is kinda ugly, but hella strong. And while Alice could get VERY ugly sometimes, you cannot deny her ability in those damn challenges
Thanks Peeta! That was kinda fun